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How are the new years resolutions going?

How are the new years resolutions going?

As we charge headfirst into February, hands up if a) you made a New Year’s Resolution a month or so ago, and b) you are still on track to achieve it. Mmmmm, I thought not! If you want to know the percentage of people who fail to keep their New Year’s Resolutions, there are various statistics at the push of an internet search...

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5468 Hits

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

“The world economy no longer pays you for what you know; Google knows everything. The world economy pays you for what you can do with what you know.” – Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills for the OECD. We are, it appears living in a world of unprecedented change, which is giving rise to a severe skills gap. According to inaugural...

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4648 Hits

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

The world of work is changing at a head-spinning rate and opportunity for positive change comes in many forms. Smart organisations are embracing factors such as Brexit, changes in traditional patterns of employment, technological advances and shifts in customer behaviour to create robust, future-fit cultures. The future is arriving faster than many suspected or planned for but with the right knowledge...

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5364 Hits

‘Blue Monday’ = ‘Moaning Monday’

‘Blue Monday’ = ‘Moaning Monday’

If you choose to get swept along with ‘Blue Monday’ theory  today -  the pseudoscience designed to persuade you that unhappiness is inevitable - you may as well go back to bed now, only making the effort to click online for the purchase that will surely fix you. The Blue Monday myth was originally used as a marketing ploy by a...

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5349 Hits

Dave Keeling: A quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14

Dave Keeling: A quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14

With shocking news recently that a quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14 it is imperative that young people understand about cognitive function and emotions (I was 25 when I started to find out). Understanding how the brain works allows us to re-set, re-frame, re-think and reflect when it is...

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5971 Hits

Are you doing enough to address diversity?

Are you doing enough to address diversity?

No one likes to be told they are biased. Most progressive, modern people in business would like to think they are open-minded, gender neutral and non-discriminatory. The stats, however, tell a different story.  Barely 3% of Britain’s most powerful and influential people are from black and minority ethnic groups, according to analysis that highlights inequality, despite decades of legislation to address discrimination....

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5192 Hits

Has Health and Safety gone mad?

Has Health and Safety gone mad?

Has Health and Safety gone mad? That was certainly the message from Amanda Spielman, Ofsted’s Chief Inspector, in a recent article about the safety culture in schools. Ms Spielman said that, in her opinion, some of the measures that school staff go to, to keep children safe, are ‘simply barmy.’ From the examples she gave, we have to agree. It does...

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6147 Hits

Protect your people from the stress epidemic

Protect your people from the stress epidemic

Another month, another study highlighting the epidemic of stress and anxiety sweeping through the teaching profession. Just this last month (Sept) research by the charity Education Support Partnership found that an overwhelming number of teachers in the UK have suffered either physically or mentally because of their jobs. The study suggested that 75% of teaching staff in schools and colleges experienced...

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4428 Hits

Helping students to adjust and tips for teachers welcoming new students

Helping students to adjust and tips for teachers welcoming new students

I have had a grand total of nine ‘first days’ at school. Some are just a fog of teachers’ names, confusing rules and long corridors, others form some of my most vivid memories. Arizona 2008, Canyon Springs Elementary school in the scorching heat. Crouched under my desk peeking at the desert though the barred windows. A siren was screeching as the...

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7961 Hits

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