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21 December 2023

Creative and Innovative Thinking with Bauder

Lead Happiness Consultant Dave Keeling loves any excuse to go to London - especially at Christmas (he does love a twinkly light) - so he was chuffed to get an invite to work with a small team from Bauder (an international manufacturer of building construction materials for roofs).

The 3-hour session was on creative and innovative thinking and was designed to encourage the team to be more expansive, playful and imaginative in their thinking whilst gaining a better understanding of how they think and the thinking styles of those around them.

The session covered in a variety of ways:

  • Dose of Happiness – how the choices can affect the way we think and feel.
  • Fast and slow thinking – the power of the pause to create change.
  • The difference between creativity and innovation/what helps and hinders.
  • Growth mindset - to help foster collaborative /problem-solving language.
  • Magic questions – to give your head a break.
  • Breaking the rules – how can we think about what we do differently?
  • Innovation - how to mix things up to stimulate new ideas.
  • Reductive thinking – a structure to think about thinking that leads to action.

The time whizzed by as Dave challenged the participants to think laterally, divergently, logically and creatively; ideas flew about in a collaborative way, and there were laughs a-plenty.

You could say that Dave brought the roof down, which with Bauder is no mean feat.

If you’re interested in helping your team to think more creatively to boost innovation, why not get in touch to find out more about how we can help - simply email Doug at doug@laughology.co.uk, and he’ll give you all the details!

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