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29 May 2015

Laughology is working with Brighttalk to deliver a new webinar that you can access

Laughology is working with Brighttalk to deliver a new webinar that you can access. We understand how patterns of work, learning and accessing information are changing and have teamed up with Brighttalk to deliver our first professional webinar on Happiness and humour; the secret to effective leadership.

Once you've seen the webinar if you would like Laughology to come and visit your workplace please get in touch. We can even design webinars for your teams so they can access learning where and whenever they want. We also deliver programmes in your workplace that enhance a happy engaged culture, create positive teams, happy managers and inspiring leaders and much more. We are passionate about bringing happiness and humour to your workplace.

In the Brighttalk webinar you will explore:

  • Laughology – The science and psychology of motivation, emotions, happiness and humour
  • Why happiness, humour and laughter is vital in all workplaces
  • What does happiness really mean for organisations
  • How a happy workforce is more flexible to change
  • Humour as a system for processing information and being positive

It simple to attend just go to the brighttalk page sign in or sign up and you will access not just this talk but many more.

If you would like any further information on Laughology and our programmes and workshops please get in touch.

Brands and organisations we work with:

Ask us a question

You can call us on 0844 800 1701, or use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.