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17 December 2020

Laughology’s Holiday Message

It’s that time of year again, when the Laughology team take off their laughter capes and put on their festive slippers to recharge ready for the new year.

There’ll be plenty of virtual charades, a few rounds of socially distanced cracker-pulling and a toast to the end of a year where ‘you’re on mute’ became part of our daily vernacular. Our office officially closes for these shenanigans on December 24th.

But never fear! We’ll be back in on January 4th ready and raring to go, albeit with slightly expanded waistlines. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, for showing Laughology some socially-distanced love throughout a very difficult year. If Stephanie could hug you all, she would, but then she’d have to wear a hazmat suit and that’s never a good look for anyone.

However, before we head out the door and dive into a pool of mulled wine, congratulations must go to our winner of the Christmas card competition - Klara (Y6) from Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School. Isn’t her design fantastic? Well done, Klara!

All that remains for us to say is happy holidays! We wish you all a safe break, however you wish to celebrate, and happy and healthy 2021.

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