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06 December 2018

Keynote at the Access Group conference

Laughology head honcho Stephanie Davies delivered a keynote presentation for innovative software consultancy Access Group in November.

The company aims to help businesses adopt agile IT systems, which in turn free up time to focus on human and customer interactions and experiences. Small, repetitive tasks in the workplace can often take up an inordinate amount of time.

Everyday jobs such as data input and invoicing can feel endless and with the advent of digitalisation, workplaces can become data black holes where increasing amounts of data needs to be captured. But that’s not to say data is not important. In some sectors, such as healthcare, customer data is not just essential for business development, it is essential for customer health. In these scenarios, capturing accurate and timely data can become stressful.

Access Group works with clients to develop systems that save time, increase efficiency and reduce stress. The company wanted to engage new and existing clients and showcase some of its new systems and held a conference with over 2000 delegates.

When it needed a keynote speaker who could explain the importance of making work lives easier through technology and happiness, it contacted Laughology happiness guru Stephanie Davies. Her presentation/keynote was a fun, interactive investigation into the steps workplaces can take to increase wellbeing and happiness.

We know that complex, time-consuming tasks can divert us from the nice things in life, like spending time with people, being creative and building team morale. They can also be stressful if systems don’t work efficiently.

When we use technology to do the tedious, yet important tasks, we free up time for the pleasurable things. We also know that the brain equates easy with happy. Which is why companies such as Amazon spend millions on creating the one-click experience. Stephanie’s keynote explained the neuroscience behind this process and showed how workplaces can create happiness by automating tasks.

Quick fixes to workplace happiness:

  1. It's the little stuff – fix the flickering light, make sure the paper in the photo copier (and the toilet) is replaced when it runs out.
  2. Review your processes. Have they become too convoluted for no reason? What can you take out? What can you add?
  3. Do you need a process?  A process helps everyone know where they’re at. Having a shared place where everyone can see progress is helpful – this might be an entire system or a shared spreadsheet.
  4. Use technology the right way. Turn off your notifications and put your phone away to create times when you can really concentrate. Concentrating solely on a task with no interruptions in 20 to 30 minute bursts will get the job done quicker and with less mistakes.
  5. Think about whether you cc people in to your email. Do you really need to include the whole company?

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