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Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery School nominated for ‘Happiest School’ award

Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery, provides an education which excites and inspires their children. They build on the children's interests, exciting their curiosity, developing their skills and having high expectations for achievement.

As part of the nomination for Happiest School, Linda Smith said:

‘Marden Lodge used to be a sad school, although the children had enjoyed learning and felt safe it wasn't enough because the staff were restless and had lost their energy. The school felt unloved.

‘All that changed in September 2015 when the current Head Teacher Mrs Kellly Storey, joined and began to create "Team Marden". It was a quiet approach to well being and life style choices - she cared and it made all of us care, and it noticed in the displays, the laughter, the camaraderie in the staff room, the attitude of the children towards the staff, the parents who finally felt listened to.

‘In a very short space of time this team have taken a school from the depths of desperation to "Good" the official result arrived on the last day of term and Mrs Storey gathered everyone (including the on-site baby massage group) onto the playing field and revealed the result- followed by tears of joy, children hugging teachers, office staff jumping for glee and a very emotional leadership team.

'The remarkable thing is - with one weekend to go before the first Inset Day of Autumn term 2016 we know we are looking forward to being together again to give the children an opportunity to think big and make their dreams come true.'

Given the direction Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery is heading, we are sure that the pupils are looking forward to getting back to school as much as the staff.

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your school or staff for a happiness award 2016 . Nominations close on the 17th October 2016.

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